whats gud mandem nmes jc got 3 on ere many more tings runnin but yo newgrounds shit i checked ya west wood ting ima essex mandem yo reply init mixtape maybe i can do sumting 4 u' u can do sumting 4 me peace mixtape (G)
whats gud mandem nmes jc got 3 on ere many more tings runnin but yo newgrounds shit i checked ya west wood ting ima essex mandem yo reply init mixtape maybe i can do sumting 4 u' u can do sumting 4 me peace mixtape (G)
we'll see cuzzy... we'll see.
sikimore keep bossin peace
keep the real real
basic real beats
keep rollin son
im real wit votes
no 1 gets 10 frm me
yowats gud giggs what do you think of devlin???
1extrayeah 4 real im on diss
Yo fam, this aint Gigz, read above, i make the bloodclart beats, jeez. But devlins descent if your asking me, thats my boy ghetts dawgie init, so yea he's alright still.
yeah diss shits phat yo hit me up on collab g peac
jc got the track down done yeah fresh
keep banging tht shit u do
its real mutha fukin hop hip
boucing 4 da 08
jc's da nme l8ers uuuanu
yeeea thx 4 rewiev dawg ;)
get £A$H BY ENY MEANS.~-.-~. MOTHERFUCKER ====================
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Joined on 12/11/07